Pour son dernier Tour de France, le champion américain actuellement deuxième au classement général a eu la chance de voir son vélo de chrono décoré par un artiste appellé Lenny Futura.
La décoration a eu lieu au niveau de la boîte de pédalier par des îcones représentant des étapes de la vie de Lance.

Johan a par la suite simplement retiré toutes ces décalcomanies car il estimait que ça aurait créé de la trainée supplémentaire…
For his last Tour de France, the american champion currently second at the overall was lucky to see his time trial bike decorated by an artist called Lenny Futura.
He has decorated the bottom bracket with many icons meaning Lance’s life steps.
Then Johan easily removed all those decals because he though they would have added additionnal drag…
Source: Trek
For his last Tour de France, the american champion currently second at the overall was lucky to see his time trial bike decorated by an artist called Lenny Futura.
He has decorated the bottom bracket with many icons meaning Lance’s life steps.
Then Johan easily removed all those decals because he though they would have added additionnal drag…