Some days ago, a picture of a rider from Aix en Provence team using the latest Mavic Full Carbone wheels has been plugged in.
The doubts regarding the general look and its structure are over now, so it’s now possible to show you the pictures of the wheels with no risk. Thanks to an awesome work realized through Photoshop by Skyleth, we will present you as well the wheel in show version 🙂
The prototypes built by Mavic are numerous but the following wheels should be close to the reality:

Skyleth‘s work;

About its look, the rim looks a lot like a Corima aéro 2006, the weave is identical while the kevlar spokes are black and the hub is made out of carbon as the Lightweight. Overall weight seem to be around 1150gr as previously announced in cette brève.
The rumours announce the wheels to be visible for the mountain stages of the Tour de France, we hope as you it will be the case and these wheels will win stages!
EDIT 21:30:00; today at the first mountain stage, the whole Cofidis team has used the latest wheels, this is a picture of Christian Moreni taken by GonaSovereign from WeightWeenies.

EDIT 2: thanks to a better quality picture, we can see that the rim weave has changed compared to the first prototypes built, it looks more like the old Corima rims meaning a small weave.
Mavic website also informs us of the existence of the new wheels saying that Cofidis team really appreciate them.
While the firsts prototypes were built before November 2005, Mavic finally make the existence of the wheels public!