Girs G-MAX – Parts of Passion [en]


Unveiled during the « Salon du deux roues » in France, early in October the last year, the Girs G-Max still is under development. Its bottom bracket position adjustment seems to be the
solution to compensate for the lack of geometries offered on standard road frames.
While waiting for the availability of the frame, and eventually bring our ideas to develop, Guillaume Girout and his team made a nice blog. Technical drawings, sketches and geometry
are among the things you can find there:

Parts of Passion

On the other side of the border, in germany, Gerhard Dummert founder of Parts of Passion is releasing some light quick releases. The weight save is obvious since the road
version is only 31/32g. The first versions are a little fatter: Nils ( has been lucky to test a first set hitting the scale at
36,5g. The materials used here are the aluminium for the axles, and titanium for the levers. An MTB version will be available too: 38/39g, titanium axles for both the front and rear. The
colors offered will be : black, silver, red, blue, gold.
Price should hit at 89 euros.

More information: Fairwheelbikes

Picture ©: Nils/
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