Trick for cyclo-cross brakes


The cyclo-cross brakes which use the former cantilver system don’t always have the brake-rim distance properly set. We noticed this imporvement on Bart Wellens bike and so we present you this today.



As main settings, the goal is to lengthen or shorten a cable. This system is usable when you change a wheel (width rim can change) or when your wheels aren’t true anymore. This system is also usable during a race because it is easily accessible. Moreover this bike part isn’t exposed to the mud so the system become usable in all severe conditions. 


Cable tension adjuster from shimano derailleur.

A "thread maker" diameter 5mm thread 80

A drill diameter 4 mm.



HOW TO DO ? Drill a 4 mm hole, machine the screw, screw up the tension cable adjuster. Mount and set your brake as you usually do. Now you might set your brake within a 5 mm distance. 

Disassembled system:


Mounted system:


System on the brake:

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