L’acheteur Cycliste, december/january edition

December/January double edition of the french magasine l’Acheteur Cycliste has been released. Several interesting threads are covered for passionnated cyclists. First, a cool DVD of the
Eurobike that contents interviews, videos and explanations of the latests components and the event. Then, complete folders about spinning components such as a big test of carbon wheels,
tires, and what we can find on the current market.
A reportage about the sales on internet is covered too, as well as a 3 comparatives of bikes between 1650 and 7000 euros.
Last but not least, the grand test won’t take place in Tignes but in Chamonix with all what it involves in term of reception, country and life quality!
Feel free to get this exceptionnal edition, a DVD about bicycle parts is not so common…

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